Hello! My name is Carol. Before I begin, let me give you a little background about myself. I am 14 years old, and live in TN. For reasons to protect myself, I am not going to say what my last name is, or where I live. If you would like to get to know me, just E-mail me. .
I am a christian, and I do go to church. My birthday is June 29th.
I am a vegetarian. I eat weird stuff, like peanut butter and banana sandwiches on wheat bread. I drink lots of chocolate milk, but has a major Dr. Pepper addiction. :)
I have one brother, and he is 17 years old. We get along really well.
If you think that you would like to get to know me better, or if you already know me and want to leave a message, just click here to sign my guestbook. You can leave a private message if you'd like. I'll definatly get it soon and e-mail you. :)