**Warning-Links may or may not work**My list of joke pages
- Jokes
- Quotes and jokes
- More jokes
- Even more jokes!
- Joke list
- HoofHearted
- Joke Page
- Jokes and More
- Ant's SimPage
- Linda Clapper's Joke page
- Jokes and Riddles
- Music Jokes
- Puzzles, quizzes, and jokes
- Light Bulb jokes
- (Hey, don't ask me!! Personally, I haven't a clue where they got these from!!)
- Knock Knock jokes
- General jokes page one
- General jokes, page two
- Jokes, jokes, and even more jokes!
- Jokes
- Lawyer jokes
- Blond jokes
- HMT Music jokes
- Economist jokes
- Windows95 jokes
- The Jokes
- Jokes R us
- More blond jokes
- Even more blond jokes!
- Hehe jokes
- Tasteless jokes
If you have a joke you would like published here, please contact the club owner, and tell him your joke. It will be added as soon as possible! Please keep them clean, however, as this is a child friendly envirnment.