My name is Abe. I am 19, and I live in Michigan.
That is the Michigan State flag. My birthday is October 4, 1979. I hate the idea of getting old. When I had first started making this web site, I was 16 years old. I help out at my church, and one day, I was talking to one of the kids I take care of, and I started telling them something I did 11 years ago. I stopped right in the middle of the sentence, made a face at the idea of 11 years ago. When you tell stories like that, it really makes you feel old. I don't want to grow up! I like being funny, and I tend to pick up some of that from my mom. I also love being creative, and my homepage is one way of expressing my creativness. I also write stories and poems.
I was born in Michigan, but I have not lived here my entire life. When I was 6 years old, we moved to Florida, and we settled down there. In 1992, we survived hurricane Andrew, but, that was simple, comsidering that we did not live in the bad part of it. We lived in Port Charlotte, which is north of Fort Myers, on the west coast, if you look at it on a map. Anyways, we lived through many storms from the ocean. Then at the end of 1995, my parents decided to move back to Michigan, where we are living now.
If you would like a link to your page, just send me an e-mail, asking me to, and I will check over your page, to see if it is ok to put on. Most pages will be put on, so don't worry. As long as it is clean, it is fine. Thanks for reading about me! Hope you write someone soon from my page!! Tell them I said hi!
This was taken in May 1998, as my senior picture.