Thank you for your interest in volunteering for SASS. We are currently looking for individuals who are interested in working for SASS, without pay. We need people who are willing to dedicate themselves to the task, and stick with it to the end. Each volunteer must be a member of SASS. If you are not a member of SASS, please click here to join. One need that is quickly coming up is a person with a wide knowledge of HTML. This individual needs to know how to work with CGI, and forms. This job includes, but not limited to, Web Page Updating, Uploading, CGI and FORMS, ect. Another job is recruiting. Besides online recruiters, we also need recruiters in local areas of the country. This job includes, but is not limited to, spreading word of SASS in community, keeping in close contact with other recruiters, local advertising (posting signs at libraries and stores), local recruiting, ect. This position is not limited to just one person.
If interested, we have a mailing list. This job includes, but is not limited to, keeping in contact with members via e-mail or regular mail, keeping track to ensure everyone is on the mailing list, keeping a record of members joining online, ect. This position is not limited to just one person.
If you can think of another way that you can help us out, please let us know.
If you are interested in any of these positions, or have any questions, please click here to e-mail us. If you have an e-mail address that is accessed through a web-based carrier, such as hotmail, our temporary e-mail address is
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