**Warning-Links may or may not work**

Anne's page
An old pen pal connector page of Anne's
Jennifer's page
A basic page with a couple things on David Eddings
Krista's homepage
The Sanctuary. A very well designed christian homepage
Sara's Garfield page
This is a great personal garfield web page, and she did a very good job doing it
Anne's new page!
This is anne's new homepage, and it also has a pen pal connector. Also, it includes a young author's club. Her name is colorsplash on here.
Frances's homepage!
Meet Frances. She lives in Alaska, and is pretty cool
CyberChick's Page
This is a crazy page, and has some humor in it
Amy's homepage
Meet Amy, one of the most creative ppl I know. She's funny, and great to talk to!
Sara's page
She is into much peace, and has good designs on it. Also some cool links.

Dr_Bashir's Sickbay
Come enter the weird world of Dr_Bashir
Judi's homepage
I like the background, and the graphics on here!
twi_light's brand new home on the net
#1Jessy's Homepage
Another basic web page
Sophie's page
Meet Sophie, who is a twin, and is 16 years old!
Marulks Hideout
Very very cute graphics here..I like the computers, the mac and IBM beating each other up. :-)
Princess Juliet's homepage
This has a lot of music links in it
Southern Sweetheart's homepage
Goldenlilly's homepage
PARANORMAL is all I can say about this, and be safe! hehe
Lou's page
She makes graphics for people, and is a friend of mine on ICQ
Nicky's page
Another basic homepage, with a cute kitty eating what looks like a pretzel
Pebbles01's page
Some interesting music, and a pic of Pebbles off the Flintstones. A basic homepage
Frenz4eva Club
It's a girl's club, but guys can join to. The owner is a good friend of mine. :-)
~*Hockeychik*~'s page
This girl LOVES hockey, and is a fan of Michigan Hockey
Emily's page
This page is truely for those of you who love animations!
Chelsea's Homepage
Meet my friend from Singapore!
Carol's Homepage!
I built this page for her. It's not much, but it's an introduction!

Due to people moving their web pages around, without telling anyone, these links may or may not not work. If you come across one that is false, please tell the mayor.

Local businesses! Please support!

Would you like a free homepage? Do you not know html? Then come here, and you can make as many pages as you want, without knowing html!
On a search for someone from the past? Try here!
A Search Engine
Pepsi's homepage
Do I gotta even describe? hehe
Disney's homepage!
I must warn you. This is framed!
United Media
I added this link a long time ago, and have no idea what it is.
Young People's Organization
This is for any person who wants to change the way young people are treated in the world today

Please help stop school shootings by visiting this page!