- Anne's page
- An old pen pal connector page of Anne's
- Jennifer's page
- A basic page with a couple things on David Eddings
- Krista's homepage
- The Sanctuary. A very well designed christian homepage
- Sara's Garfield page
- This is a great personal garfield web page, and she did a very good job doing it
- Anne's new page!
- This is anne's new homepage, and it also has a pen pal connector. Also, it includes a young author's club. Her name is colorsplash on here.
- Frances's homepage!
- Meet Frances. She lives in Alaska, and is pretty cool
- CyberChick's Page
- This is a crazy page, and has some humor in it
- Amy's homepage
- Meet Amy, one of the most creative ppl I know. She's funny, and great to talk to!
- Sara's page
- She is into much peace, and has good designs on it. Also some cool links.
Dr_Bashir's Sickbay
Come enter the weird world of Dr_Bashir
Judi's homepage
I like the background, and the graphics on here!
twi_light's brand new home on the net
#1Jessy's Homepage
Another basic web page
Sophie's page
Meet Sophie, who is a twin, and is 16 years old!
Marulks Hideout
Very very cute graphics here..I like the computers, the mac and IBM beating each other up. :-)
Princess Juliet's homepage
This has a lot of music links in it
Southern Sweetheart's homepage
Goldenlilly's homepage
PARANORMAL is all I can say about this, and be safe! hehe
Lou's page
She makes graphics for people, and is a friend of mine on ICQ
Nicky's page
Another basic homepage, with a cute kitty eating what looks like a pretzel
Pebbles01's page
Some interesting music, and a pic of Pebbles off the Flintstones. A basic homepage
Frenz4eva Club
It's a girl's club, but guys can join to. The owner is a good friend of mine. :-)
~*Hockeychik*~'s page
This girl LOVES hockey, and is a fan of Michigan Hockey
Emily's page
This page is truely for those of you who love animations!
Chelsea's Homepage
Meet my friend from Singapore!
Carol's Homepage!
I built this page for her. It's not much, but it's an introduction!